What is a branded podcast and why should you make one?

Lucy Priest
Partnerships Executive
30th May 2024

Podcasting builds deeper connection, is community-driven and has proved itself time and time again to drive results. Traditional media investment is increasingly expensive, and return-on-investment is decreasing, so household brands such as Waitrose, Sky Cinema and The National Lottery are taking the power of sharing their brand message into their own hands through podcasting.

What is a branded podcast?

Put simply, they’re a vehicle for building brand awareness, driving engagement, connecting with audiences and establishing authority and expertise. A successful branded podcast is built with the target audience front and centre and prioritises giving listeners value, whether that’s through addictive entertainment, revelatory insights or a compelling story. Like podcasting more broadly, there is no set format for a branded podcast - shows range from a narrative-driven series (see: MyHeritage’s Blast From My Past),to a sit down interview with industry experts (like Sumsub’s ‘What the Fraud?’).

Should you make a branded podcast?

Want to tap into an audience 464 million in size, with a consumption of 7 hours a week? That’s exactly what podcasts offer. But is it just an awareness driver? Signal Hill Insights most recent Branded Podcast Study found the following:

- 72% of listeners were more likely to purchase the sponsoring brand after hearing a branded podcast episode.

- Increases brand affinity by 86%.

- 61% of listeners on average say that a branded podcast made them feel more favourable towards a brand

Our top picks for making a great branded podcast:

1.        The host is the personality of your podcast, an engaged host will ask insightful questions, and keep the conversations interesting.

2.        Consistency is key to building a loyal audience. Releasing episodes on a regular schedule helps listeners incorporate your podcast into their routine.

3.        Invest in high-quality audio production.

4.        Utilise analytics to track your podcast’s performance and tailor your approach.

5.        Create visually appealing cover art.

Explore the branded podcasts Listen has created:

Amazing Starts Here with Sam Quek for The National Lottery: TV presenter and Olympic gold medallist Sam Quek travels the UK to discover inspiring stories from ordinarypeople and projects who do extraordinary things in their community with a little help from The National Lottery.

Business Unusual with Claudia Winkleman for Vodafone: Claudia Winkleman gains exclusive access to the minds of some of the most disruptive business owners inthe UK, unearthing what it takes to be successful. Each episode features an interview with a different guest sharing their experience of growing their business.

What the Fraud for Sumsub: Thomas Taraniuk (Partnerships) interviews leading minds from the world of AI,fintech, crypto, iGaming, and more. This podcast dives deep into the mostpressing issues surrounding digital fraud in business. Each episode dissects key fraud-related issues that companies—both big and small—face today. From deepfakes and identity theft to money mules and forced verification, What The Fraud? is where digital fraudsters meet their match.

Things You Can’t Live Without for Rio Tinto: Hosted by material scientist Dr. Anna Ploszajski, each episode welcomes a different guest, and a selection of experts and scientists, to discuss the truths about our reliance on the earth’s resources and to look at what needs to happen to create a sustainable future for the everyday items we have come to rely on.

Invest in Progress for ScottishMortgage: This series offers a backstage pass to the conversations that occur between our managers and visionary leaders solving some of the world’s most complex problems.

Play Next for BMW: A music discovery podcast that uncovers pioneering, innovative andground breaking new music. Presented by Edith Bowman, and created in partnership with BMW, it features full tracks from some of the best breakthrough acts, artist interviews and conversations with people shaping the music industry.

Need some help with your branded podcast? Listen are award-winners in the space. Get in touch to find out how we can work together.

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